Protect Your Portfolio for 2024

We found 11 online brokers that are appropriate for Trading Portfolio Investment Platforms.

Protect Your Portfolio Guide

Analysis by Andrew Blumer, Updated Last updated - July 25, 2024

Protect Your Portfolio

What Are Investment Funds?

These are combined investment schemes which pool an investor’s funds with other investors’ funds to offer them a stake in an already prepared portfolio. There are two popular types of funds, i.e., open-ended investment companies and unit trusts.

There are many advantages that come with investing through funds including being able to build diverse portfolios without wasting funds and not being forced to go with individual shares.

Open-Ended Investment Companies

Open-ended investment companies, or OEICs work similarly to unit trusts except for the fact that the fund is run as a company.

Because of this, it then creates can cancels shares instead of units whenever investor move in and out of the fund. They still, however, display the same value of the possessions that an investor’s fund manager has gone ahead and invested in.

Unit Trusts

With unit trusts, fund managers either invest in bonds or shares in companies having appeared on the stock market, on account of the fund.

The fund is divided into units that investors purchase. Fund managers create units for new investors and annul units for investors moving out of the fund. The units created can be unlimited, this is why they are referred to as open-ended.

The value of each unit is dependent on the NAV, or net asset value of the fund’s core investments and happens to be priced once a day. What this means is that the value of the units an investor directly buys shows the same core value of the investment.

The Pandemic Affecting Investments

Stock markets all over the world have slightly surged over the past weeks or so. This means that investments have gained some value. The Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index, or FTSE 100, meant for measuring how the biggest companies in the UK perform, stalled at 7,012 as of the 19th of April, i.e., an upsurge of 1.8% over the span of a week. The FTSE 250 also surged 1.8% during the same time period. As of April 24, the FTSE 100 Index saw a slight decline at 6,902.63, i.e., 0.51%.

The State Of Market Volatility

Markets are predicted to be increasingly volatile as investors evaluate the impact of the pandemic against measures meant to be taken in order to ease the blow it left on economics. This is to say that there is no knowing how adverse of an effect it might have on short-term investments. Investors are likely to experience their investments going up and down for some time. For example, in March, there was a 3.3% disparity between FTSE 100’s highest, and its lowest point. There are hopes that such a state in the markets will reach a calm this year, granted there is a successful result of the COVID 19 vaccine leading to the coronavirus restrictions being eased. Despite that, there is a possibility for future delays in vaccine programs being carried out; as well as more global restrictions to keep cases from rising.

The State Of Fund Suspensions

Dealing saw suspension in the previous year for thirteen open-ended funds altogether. This held a shared £15 billion worth of property resources, as the COVID 19 pandemic led to surveyors not being sure about the state of property price.

A majority of the dealing suspensions, however, have been lifted, with a lot of them once again opening their doors during the remaining four months of 2020.

Many investors gravitate towards investing such funds. These are where a certified manager collects money, either investing it in property or property shares.

Such actions have proved crucial in uncertain times like these. FCA, or Financial Conduct Authority guidelines make it necessary for property fund managers to take into consideration suspending funds in such risky market circumstances.

Anyone having invested in funds that are currently suspended cannot do much except wait and look out for other updates on their fund providers’ online platforms. Further protective measures could also be introduced meaning investors having invested in open-ended property funds may have to wait another one eighty days before finally redeeming their investments.

When Are Markets Predicted To Recover?

Since the COVID 19 vaccine news has generally prompted gains during recent months due to which there is hope that it can bring about a faster economic revival.

Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of Bank of England stated in the November of last year that the production of a vaccine should aid in shortening the period of disruption caused by the virus as well as the lockdowns. That, as a result, could diminish the long-term harm inflicted on the economy.

Analysis by Schroders in December of 2020 showed that investors may have to make certain preparations for a more prolonged recovery that could possibly last until the November-December of 2021, or perhaps even later.

That analysis leads to the fact that it takes approximately two years for the stock markets to restore itself from a low as severe as 30%. The FTSE 100 collapsed by more than 34% during the three initial months of 2020.

This leads to the fact that investors might have to wait until 2024 before their savings revert back to the value they were worth before the pandemic.

Following the previous financial crisis that took place in 2008, FTSE All Share was obligated to take 24 months to recover all their losses.

Portfolio Diversifying

In order for an investor to diversify their portfolio, it is best to build a diverse portfolio with a combination of investments suiting their attitude towards risk.

A well-balanced portfolio contains a combination of equities i.e., company shares, property, government and corporate bonds, and cash. All these investments come with varying degrees of risk.

Bonds, for example, carry a much lower risk since there is a greater chance of fixable returns. The returns in this case are also lower in general.

Equities, on the other hand, are a lot riskier since the market happens to be more volatile. The returns from these are a lot higher compared to bonds.

It is still best for investors to steer clear of over-diversification. Holding a lot of assets can prove to be more damaging to a portfolio than beneficial because this way the investor will have too much of a minute portion of their funds in different investments to even see any positive outcomes.

Protecting A Portfolio From the Volatile Market

For individuals having their life savings or their retirement funds invested in the market, there are many ways they can keep themselves save during this time of global recession. Following are the ways they can protect themselves from the seemingly unavoidable stock market crash, thereby lessening the damage their portfolio might take.

Diversifying Investments

Diversifying investments is a very popular strategy often overlooked by a lot of people. Taking this into account can help obtain returns in accordance with the top 1 percent. Even if an investor has made up their mind on the composition of their portfolio, they still need to diversify it more to ensure they have a fairer chance of earning more returns. This is done for because whenever one particular industry is not faring well, there must be another industry doing comparatively better. Gains acquired from one industry can help make up for the losses in the other, therefore helping their portfolio gain more balance and profit.

Diversification is important even when it comes to the real estate industry. By diversifying their investments, investors are actually investing their funds in a scrutinised real estate portfolio consisting of rental properties belonging to multiple families.

Changing Portfolio Composition

Institutional investors and the top 1 percent evidently make noticeable profits despite their being a recession or boom; this is all due to Portfolio Composition. A majority of investors have basic portfolios, most of them consisting of 70% stocks and the remaining 30% bonds. Such a traditional portfolio does not fare well during times of global recession. Opting for a secure and slightly different strategy, i.e., 50% investment of capital in stocks, 30% in private real estate, and 20% in bonds like the top 1 percent can make a world of a difference.

Having Extra Funds For Emergencies

Financial experts are of the opinion that selling investments when markets are plummeting is one of the worst things that can be done. Not only will investors get lower value for money, but they will not be able to benefit from markets when the recover.

Due to this, it is crucial to have extra funds available for emergencies to survive potential recessions.

Understanding The Volatility Of the Stock Market

Traders and markets are very prone to volatility. This means that potential ups and downs experienced in the market are unavoidable. Every once in a while, (few years) the market tends to plummet as an autocorrecting mechanism. However, after each plummet, the market also goes back to normal. Hence, it is important to survive the recession instead of avoiding it.

Since recessions are unpredictable, it is best to always be prepared for them. This can be done by keeping an eye on the market for potential signs of recession, making sure that there are enough relapse options to survive such crashes, and diversifying portfolios.

Limiting Investing Fees

It is very important for investors to be well aware of the fees and expenses deductible from their returns. Such charges and expenses may include management fees, middleman fees, and brokerage. These may take a lot away from an investor’s profits, especially when the stock market is already plummeting. Hence it is best for investors to look for options not having excessive charges.

Considering Mental Health

It is, no doubt, nerve wracking for investors when they see their losses multiply during times of market volatility during recessions. While it may be stressful, it is best to steer clear of any rash decisions that might make things worse.

Rather than selling investments, it is best to invest one’s surplus funds in other market investments. Since during such times it is much simpler to ger the same stocks for much lower prices, investors can look forward to profiting from future market rebounds.

Keeping one’s stress levels in check and trying to remain logical and practical is one of the core characteristics separating profitable investors from unprofitable ones. It is advisable for investors to stay disciplined to avoid rash decisions.

Evaluating One’s Risk Profile Prior To Investments

All investments have different risks that come with them, so, the type of investment an investor makes must be based on their tolerance to risk. For investors having higher risk thresholds, small-capital stocks as well as Forex investments may be best. Retired investors, or ones not interested in long-term returns can invest in either large capital stocks or even real estate. This is because such options are less volatile in nature.

It is crucial for investors to establish their thresholds for risk and then look at their options based on those set thresholds. Risk tolerance usually depends on objectives, age, and the investor’s preferred investment timeline.

Avoiding Micromanaging

Micromanaging is one of the most unforgiving traps an investor can fall into. Even if an investor does everything correctly, attempting to micromanage their investments can do a lot of damage. Market ups and downs are a natural phenomenon, and once investors invest their money, it is much wiser for them to let their investments grow instead of continuously investing and selling each time the market sees shows a bit of change. Once an investment is made, it is in the investor’s best interest to leave it be and let be and watch its profit grow with time.

Investing In Uncorrelated Markets

Investing in assets that fluctuate differently from an investor’s country-of-origin markets might be a great way for them to prepare for any upcoming crises. Such investments might even prove profitable during times of recession. Markets such as the real estate market carry value in the long term even during times of recession.

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Reputable Protect Your Portfolio Checklist

Selecting a reliable and reputable online Portfolio Investment Platforms trading brokerage involves assessing their track record, regulatory status, customer support, processing times, international presence, and language capabilities. Considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and trade Portfolio Investment Platforms more confidently.

Selecting the right online Portfolio Investment Platforms trading brokerage requires careful consideration of several critical factors. Here are some essential points to keep in mind:

Our team have listed brokers that match your criteria for you below. All brokerage data has been summarised into a comparison table. Scroll down.

Compare Key Features of Portfolio Investment Platforms in Our Brokerage Comparison Table

When choosing a broker for Portfolio Investment Platforms trading, it's essential to compare the different options available to you. Our Portfolio Investment Platforms brokerage comparison table below allows you to compare several important features side by side, making it easier to make an informed choice.

By comparing these essential features, you can choose a Portfolio Investment Platforms broker that best suits your needs and preferences for Portfolio Investment Platforms. Our Portfolio Investment Platforms broker comparison table simplifies the process, allowing you to make a more informed decision.

Top 15 Portfolio Investment Platforms of 2024 compared

Here are the top Portfolio Investment Platforms.

Compare Portfolio Investment Platforms brokers for min deposits, funding, used by, benefits, account types, platforms, and support levels. When searching for a Portfolio Investment Platforms broker, it's crucial to compare several factors to choose the right one for your Portfolio Investment Platforms needs. Our comparison tool allows you to compare the essential features side by side.

All brokers below are Portfolio Investment Platforms. Learn more about what they offer below.

You can scroll left and right on the comparison table below to see more Portfolio Investment Platforms that accept Portfolio Investment Platforms clients.

Broker IC Markets Roboforex eToro XTB XM Pepperstone AvaTrade FP Markets EasyMarkets SpreadEx FXPro
Regulation Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Financial Services Authority (FSA), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) RoboForex Ltd is regulated by the FSC, license 000138/437, reg. number 128.572. RoboForex Ltd, which is an (A category) member of The Financial Commission, also is a participant of its Compensation Fund FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) eToro (UK) Ltd (FCA reference 583263), eToro (Europe) Ltd CySEC (Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission), ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) eToro AUS Capital Limited ASIC license 491139, CySec (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under the license 109/10), FSAS (Financial Services Authority Seychelles) eToro (Seychelles) Ltd license SD076 FCA (Financial Conduct Authority reference 522157), CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission reference 169/12), FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority), XTB AFRICA (PTY) LTD licensed to operate in South Africa, KPWiG (Polish Securities and Exchange Commission), DFSA (Dubai Financial Services Authority), DIFC (Dubai International Financial Center), CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores), KNF (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego), IFSC (Belize International Financial Services Commission license number IFSC/60/413/TS/19) Financial Services Commission (FSC), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), Capital Markets Authority of Kenya (CMA), Pepperstone Markets Limited is incorporated in The Bahamas (number 177174 B), Licensed by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) number SIA-F217 Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), ASIC (406684), Financial Services Authority (FSA), South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), Financial Stability Board (FSB), The Financial Services Agency (JAPAN FSA), Financial Futures Association of Japan (FFAJ), Abu Dhabi Global Markets (ADGM), Financial Regulatory Services Authority (FRSA), Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), Israel Securities Association (ISA), British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI), BVI (SIBA/L/13/1049), Central Bank of Ireland Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), FSCA (FSP Number 50926), Capital Markets Authority (CMA), Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Financial Services Authority (FSA), British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI) Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB)
Min Deposit 200 10 100 No minimum deposit 5 200 100 100 100 1 100
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
Used By 180,000+ 1,000,000+ 35,000,000+ 1,000,000+ 10,000,000+ 400,000+ 300,000+ 10,000+ 142,500+ 10,000+ 1,866,000+
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Offers STP
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Offers STP
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Offers STP
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Offers STP
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Low min deposit
  • Guaranteed stop loss
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Low min deposit
  • Guaranteed stop loss
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Allows scalping
  • Allows hedging
  • Low min deposit
  • Offers Negative Balance Protection
  • Demo account
  • Mini account
  • Standard account
  • Zero spread account
  • Raw Spread account
  • Islamic account
  • Demo account
  • Micro account
  • Mini account
  • Standard account
  • Zero spread account
  • ECN account
  • Islamic account
  • Demo account
  • Standard account
  • Islamic account
  • Pro account
  • Demo account
  • Micro account
  • Mini account
  • Standard account
  • Islamic account
  • Demo account
  • Micro account
  • Standard account
  • Islamic account
  • Demo account
  • Standard account
  • Zero spread account
  • ECN account
  • Islamic account
  • Demo account
  • Micro account
  • Mini account
  • Standard account
  • Managed account
  • Islamic account
  • Demo account
  • Micro account
  • Standard account
  • Demo account
  • Standard account
  • Islamic account
  • Demo account
  • Standard account
  • Demo account
  • Mini account
  • Islamic account
Platforms MT4, MT5, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, cTrader, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps MT4, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps MT4, MT5, TradingView, DupliTrade, myFXbook, Mac, Web Trader, cTrader, Tablet & Mobile apps Web Trader, MT4, MT5, AvaTradeGo, AvaOptions, DupliTrade, ZuluTrade, Mobile Apps, ZuluTrade, DupliTrade, MQL5 MT4, MT5, cTrader, TradingView, IRESS, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps MT4, MT5, Web Trader, TradingView, Tablet & Mobile apps Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps MT4, MT5, cTrader, Tablet & Mobile apps
  • Live chat
  • Phone support
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  • Live chat
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  • Live chat
  • Phone support
  • Email support
  • Live chat
  • Phone support
  • Email support
  • Live chat
  • Phone support
  • Email support
  • Live chat
  • Phone support
  • Email support
  • Live chat
  • Phone support
  • Email support
  • Live chat
  • Phone support
  • Email support
  • Live chat
  • Phone support
  • Email support
  • Live chat
  • Phone support
  • Email support
  • Live chat
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Risk Warning Losses can exceed deposits Losses can exceed deposits 51% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. 76-83% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 71.61% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. 75-95 % of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs 71% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider Losses can exceed deposits Your capital is at risk Losses can exceed deposits 75.78% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs and Spread Betting with this provider
Demo IC Markets
FP Markets
Excluded Countries US, IR, CA, NZ, JP AU, BE, BQ, BR, CA, CW, CZ, DE, ES, EE, EU, FM, FR, FI, GW, ID, IR, JP, LR, MP, NL, PF, PL, RU, SE, SJ, SS, SL, SI, TL, TR, DO, US, IT, AT, PT, BG, HR, CY, DK, FL, GR, IE, LV, LT, MT, RO, SK, CH ZA, ID, IR, KP, BE, CA, JP, SY, TR, IL, BY, AL, MD, MK, RS, GN, CD, SD, SA, ZW, ET, GH, TZ, LY, UG, ZM, BW, RW, TN, SO, NA, TG, SL, LR, GM, DJ, CI, PK, BN, TW, WS, NP, SG, VI, TM, TJ, UZ, LK, TT, HT, MM, BT, MH, MV, MG, MK, KZ, GD, FJ, PT, BB, BM, BS, AG, AI, AW, AX, LB, SV, PY, HN, GT, PR, NI, VG, AN, CN, BZ, DZ, MY, KH, PH, VN, EG, MN, MO, UA, JO, KR, US, IN, PK, BD, NG , ID, BE, AU US, CA, IL, IR AF, AS, AQ, AM, AZ, BY, BE, BZ, BT, BA, BI, CM, CA, CF, TD, CG, CI, ER, GF, PF, GP, GU, GN, GW, GY, HT, VA, IR, IQ, JP, KZ, LB, LR, LY, ML, MQ, YT, MZ, MM, NZ, NI, KP, PS, PR, RE, KN, LC, VC, WS, SO, GS, KR, SS, SD, SR, SY, TJ, TN, TM, TC, US, VU, VG, EH, ES, YE, ZW, ET BE, BR, KP, NZ, TR, US, CA, SG US, JP, NZ US, IL, BC, MB, QC, ON, AF, BY, BI, KH, KY, TD, KM, CG, CU, CD, GQ, ER, FJ, GN, GW, HT, IR, IQ, LA, LY, MZ, MM, NI, KP, PW, PA, RU, SO, SS, SD, SY, TT, TM, VU, VE, YE US, TR US, CA, IR

All Portfolio Investment Platforms in more detail

You can compare Portfolio Investment Platforms ratings, min deposits what the the broker offers, funding methods, platforms, spread types, customer support options, regulation and account types side by side.

We also have an indepth Top Portfolio Investment Platforms for 2024 article further below. You can see it now by clicking here

We have listed top Portfolio Investment Platforms below.

Protect Your Portfolio List

IC Markets
Min deposit : 200
IC Markets was established in 2007 and is used by over 180000+ traders. Losses can exceed deposits IC Markets offers Forex, CFDs, Spread Betting, Share dealing, Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency availability with IC Markets is subject to regulation.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, cTrader, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Financial Services Authority (FSA), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)
Min deposit : 10
Roboforex was established in 2009 and is used by over 1000000+ traders. Losses can exceed deposits Roboforex offers Forex, CFDs.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by RoboForex Ltd is regulated by the FSC, license 000138/437, reg. number 128.572. RoboForex Ltd, which is an (A category) member of The Financial Commission, also is a participant of its Compensation Fund
Min deposit : 100
Visit eToro Try a Demo Read review

eToro is a multi-asset platform which offers both investing in stocks and cryptoassets, as well as trading CFDs.

Please note that CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 51% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work, and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

Past performance is not an indication of future results. Trading history presented is less than 5 complete years and may not suffice as basis for investment decision.

Copy trading is a portfolio management service, provided by eToro (Europe) Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

Cryptoasset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

eToro USA LLC does not offer CFDs and makes no representation and assumes no liability as to the accuracy or completeness of the content of this publication, which has been prepared by our partner utilizing publicly available non-entity specific information about eToro.

eToro was established in 2007 and is used by over 35000000+ traders. 51% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. eToro offers Social Trading, Stocks, Commodities, Indices, Forex (Currencies), CFDs, Cryptocurrency, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), Index Based Funds. Cryptocurrency availability with eToro is subject to regulation. Buying and selling real cryptocurrency assets may not be available in your country through eToro. Please check the latest information made available on their website.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) eToro (UK) Ltd (FCA reference 583263), eToro (Europe) Ltd CySEC (Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission), ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) eToro AUS Capital Limited ASIC license 491139, CySec (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under the license 109/10), FSAS (Financial Services Authority Seychelles) eToro (Seychelles) Ltd license SD076
Min deposit : 0
XTB was established in 2002 and is used by over 1000000+ traders. 76-83% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. XTB offers Forex, CFDs, Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency availability with XTB is subject to regulation.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by FCA (Financial Conduct Authority reference 522157), CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission reference 169/12), FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority), XTB AFRICA (PTY) LTD licensed to operate in South Africa, KPWiG (Polish Securities and Exchange Commission), DFSA (Dubai Financial Services Authority), DIFC (Dubai International Financial Center), CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores), KNF (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego), IFSC (Belize International Financial Services Commission license number IFSC/60/413/TS/19)
Min deposit : 5
XM was established in 2009 and is used by over 10000000+ traders. CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 71.61% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. XM offers Forex Trading, Stocks CFDs, Commodities CFDs, Equity Indices CFDs, Precious Metals CFDs, Energies CFDs.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account XM Swap-Free account (XM Ultra Low Account) VIP account
Regulated by Financial Services Commission (FSC), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Min deposit : 200
Pepperstone was established in 2010 and is used by over 400000+ traders. 75-95 % of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs Pepperstone offers Forex, CFDs, Social Trading.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, TradingView, DupliTrade, myFXbook, Mac, Web Trader, cTrader, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account Pro Account VIP account
Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), Capital Markets Authority of Kenya (CMA), Pepperstone Markets Limited is incorporated in The Bahamas (number 177174 B), Licensed by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) number SIA-F217
Min deposit : 100
AvaTrade was established in 2006 and is used by over 300000+ traders. 71% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider AvaTrade offers Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices, Stocks, Bonds, Vanilla Options, ETFs, CFDs, Spread Betting, Social Trading . Cryptocurrency availability with AvaTrade is subject to regulation.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


Web Trader, MT4, MT5, AvaTradeGo, AvaOptions, DupliTrade, ZuluTrade, Mobile Apps, ZuluTrade, DupliTrade, MQL5

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), ASIC (406684), Financial Services Authority (FSA), South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), Financial Stability Board (FSB), The Financial Services Agency (JAPAN FSA), Financial Futures Association of Japan (FFAJ), Abu Dhabi Global Markets (ADGM), Financial Regulatory Services Authority (FRSA), Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), Israel Securities Association (ISA), British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI), BVI (SIBA/L/13/1049), Central Bank of Ireland
FP Markets
Min deposit : 100
FP Markets was established in 2005 and is used by over 10000+ traders. Losses can exceed deposits FP Markets offers Forex, CFDs, Bonds.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, cTrader, TradingView, IRESS, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), FSCA (FSP Number 50926), Capital Markets Authority (CMA), Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB)
Min deposit : 100
easyMarkets was established in 2001 and is used by over 142500+ traders. Your capital is at risk easyMarkets offers CFD, Forex, Commodities, Indices, Shares, Crypto. Cryptocurrency availability with easyMarkets is subject to regulation.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, Web Trader, TradingView, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Financial Services Authority (FSA), British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI)
Min deposit : 1
SpreadEx was established in 1999 and is used by over 10000+ traders. Losses can exceed deposits SpreadEx offers Forex, CFDs, and spread betting.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Min deposit : 100
FxPro was established in 2006 and is used by over 1866000+ traders. 75.78% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs and Spread Betting with this provider FxPro offers Forex trading, Share Dealing, Spot Indices, Futures, Spot Metals and Spot Energies.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, cTrader, Tablet & Mobile apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB)

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Losses can exceed deposits
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Losses can exceed deposits