Top Best Trading Strategy Books for 2025

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Best Trading Strategy Books Guide

Analysis by Andrew Blumer, Updated Last updated - February 25, 2025

Best Trading Strategy Books

If you are new to the Forex markets or have been trading on them for some time, then you will certainly be interested in reading some of the best books on Forex Trading. These types of books are often referred to as Forex Strategies or Systems. You can find a lot of information about these books on the internet. You can also ask other traders for advice and recommendations. Keep in mind though that not all the strategies sold online are the best and most effective. Therefore, it is important to understand how the various strategies work and what is meant by each strategy before you purchase one.

The best trading strategy books will usually cover several different topics and sub-topics. Some of the more popular ones include Price Action Analysis, Meta-Term Investing, Trading Psychology, and Technical Analysis. All of these are important if you want to become a successful trader. All investors should have a working knowledge of these concepts before they start investing. Some traders make a living by using these strategies.

Learning the Stock Exchange is within everyone's reach.

With the Internet, you have all the cards you need at hand. The mass of information online can confuse you and make you give up.

You will have difficult times in your learning and will not see results straight away, thus discouraging you. Just go at your own pace and also take time to recharge your batteries.

Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator

Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator

You would be hard pressed to find any other book as closely connected to the history of American business as the Reminiscence of a Stock Operator Book is. This book tells the story of Jesse Livermore as a young man just starting out in the world of finance, trading stocks and shares, becoming wealthy and successful. The book is full of fun and humour, and contains a number of lessons learned from experience. It describes many of the familiar and amusing jargon used in today's business culture, but also goes into depth about some of the darker sides of trading.

You might think that a book about trading wouldn't be all that exciting, but you'd be surprised at how much this one provides in the way of fun and entertainment. One of the best things about this book is that it's full of colourful and humorous stories, which really helps to keep you interested. In addition to having these entertaining stories, the author also takes the time to share with us some historical facts and studies about the market and stock trading in the United States and beyond.

The Intelligent Investor

The Intelligent Investor

The Intelligent Investor book by Benjamin Graham, also known as Benjamin Graham's Blue Book, is an easy read and a highly regarded guide for value investing. The book details how to use fundamental analysis of particular companies to choose stocks that are undervalued. It also teaches readers how to effectively use technical analysis of particular stocks to choose stocks that are expected to increase in value in the future. The concepts that are taught within the book are valuable insights that will allow investors to make successful investments. The book is also highly relevant to investors of all experience levels, since many of the concepts are universal.

A book on determining value is invaluable to all investors. Benjamin Graham made this very important point in his publication. According to Graham, the 'very best books on investing' should contain three primary components. These three components include: a discussion of risk, a discussion of valuation and a list of tips on increasing market share, increasing profits and discovering unknowns.

The latest version of this book on determining value has been revised and updated to even include a new concept. The new concept is called the Intelligent Trader. The Intelligent Trader concept helps investors by providing an ever-changing and constantly updated stock tip database. The information that is provided in this database is not only based on current market data but is based on historical data as well.

The Disciplined Trader

The Disciplined Trader Book

The best trading strategy books can be difficult to locate, but The Disciplined Trader by Mark Douglas is well worth the search. The original book, introduced the investing world to the notion of trading psychology. With rare insights based upon his own personal commodity trading experience, writer Mark Douglas shows how the little mental factors that help or prevent us from performing effectively in everyday life are often just mental barriers in trading. If you're looking for a new way to approach the markets, this is the book for you.

This is a book review on the popular text, The Disciplined Trader. This is one of the best selling trading strategy books on the market today. The principles within this text have helped hundreds of thousands of people to realise their financial independence and achieve success in all areas of their lives. This is not your typical stock or bond trading manual. Mark Douglas has taken the language of trading and has broken it down into easy to understand, actionable steps that anybody can use to become a successful investor and trader.

The author shows how the markets behave and why we tend to react in certain ways to particular situations. This becomes very useful in understanding when to enter and exit a market and position. In addition, he explains why certain strategies work better than others. This book is jam packed with incredible advice on how to succeed in the markets. From simple tips on determining entry points and exit points to advanced concepts such as chart formations, moving averages and momentum indicators, this book contains a wealth of information for anyone who wishes to become a profitable trader.

Best Trading Books for Interviews and Biographies

Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders

Author - Jack D. Schwager

Market Wizards

Jack D. Schwager

The Market Wizards book is a concise yet comprehensive guide to developing a profitable trading strategy. It focuses on technical analysis as well as fundamental analysis and provides a clear roadmap on how to develop a profitable trading plan or system. The book does not promise magic - it simply provides a reliable means of developing a profitable trading strategy for traders of all experience levels. The authors clearly explain the theoretical and practical principles of market psychology and the methods by which one can use these concepts to develop a profitable trading plan. In addition, they provide a detailed account of the terminology used in the markets and also provide a number of case studies on the development and implementation of different trading strategies.

The book rightly claims that it can help the reader to become a better trader because it gives one an idea of the trading strategies that are most commonly used by traders. It provides the reader with an effective system that uses the momentum of the stock market to make a profit, thus helping people to make money from the markets. Furthermore, it guides traders on what type of trading strategies should they use, which techniques are more profitable than others and what mistakes to avoid at all times. This is a very good thing for beginners who do not have much knowledge about Forex trading books or methods.

The Market Wizards book also tackles the psychology of traders and how things can be improved through practice. Some of the concepts in the book may seem a little too complex for beginners but once a person familiarises themselves with these concepts, they can easily start applying them to their trading strategies. For instance, the psychological concept of the moving average is explained in such a way that it can be easily understood by the traders without delving deep into the technical terms. The book does not shy away from showing the highs and lows in the market, allowing traders to understand these concepts easily. Moreover, the book offers easy to understand explanations of the concepts that allow traders to improve their psychological outlook.

While reactions vary in the details, every one of them could come down to a similar fundamental recipe: strong procedure plus appropriate mental disposition = trading achievement.

In Market Wizards Schwager permits you to hear, in their own words, the super-agents discussing their outstanding triumphs, and he extracts their responses down into a great deal of fundamental beliefs that you could use to transform into a trading star in your own right.

The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders

Author - Jack D. Schwager

The New Market Wizards

Jack D. Schwager

In these retaining interviews with star performers in the monetary markets, Schwager refines the mechanics and brain research behind the trading scene with such modern instruments such as monetary forms, investment opportunities, prospects and common reserve accounts by people and speculation firms.

One merchant centers around advertise reaction to news occasions, another ascertains numerical probabilities- one even tilts an ear to the commotion level on the trading floor.

Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street's Champion Day Trader

Author - Martin Schwartz

Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street

Martin Schwartz

The person whose nerves of steel and execution sense in the gorge of Wall Street earned him the merited name (Pit Bull).

This is the genuine story of how Schwartz turned into the most elite of the individuals and positions he found en-route and how from the dealer's stunts and methods he made his millions.

Best Trading Books for Stocks

How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times and Bad

Author - William O'Neil

How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times and Bad

William ONeil

Through each sort of market, William J O'Neil's national success, (How to Make Money in Stocks), has appeared more than 2 million financial specialists the key to building riches.

O'Neil's ground-breaking CAN SLIM Investing System, a demonstrated 7-advance procedure for limiting danger and amplifying gains, has affected generations of speculators.

The CANSLIM framework is moderately straightforward, for those with minimal basic financial knownledge.

Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard: How to Achieve Super Performance in Stocks in Any Market

Author - Mark Minervini

Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard

Mark Minervini

Regardless of whether you are simply beginning in the securities exchange or you are a prepared master, Minervini will tell the best way you how to accomplish a SUPER PERFORMANCE!

You will increase significant information as he shares exercises, trading realities, and explicit strategies, all received from his 30-year profession as one of America's best stock dealers with a clear methodology clarifying what he searches for when he is trading stocks.

Stocks on the Move: Beating the Market with Hedge Fund Momentum Strategies

Author - Andreas F. Clenow

Stocks on the Move: Beating the Market with Hedge Fund Momentum Strategies

Andreas F. Clenow

This book offers you a one of a kind behind the stage pass, controlling you through how settled flexible investments accomplish their outcomes.

The securities exchanges are generally misconstrued.

Purchasing and selling stocks appears to be so basic as we as a whole, recognize what stocks are and what the organizations produce.

We are informed stocks consistently go up over the long haul and that everybody ought to be in the financial exchanges.

Best Trading Books for Trend Following

Trend Following: Learn to Make Millions in Up or Down Markets

Author - Michael Covel

Trend Following: Learn to Make Millions in Up or Down Markets

Michael Covel

Find the speculation methodology that works in any market. The one technique that works in here and their business sectors with good and bad occasions.

(Trend Following) has become the exemplary trading book, acknowledged by the incredible ace merchants as their norm.

Figure out how Trend Followers conveyed fantastic returns while every other person was losing their shirts.

The Complete TurtleTrader

Author - Michael Covel

The Complete TurtleTrader: How 23 Novice Investors Became Overnight Millionaires

Michael Covel

This is the genuine story behind Wall Street legend Richard Dennis, he educates, the Turtles, and the trading procedures that made them moguls.

What happens when normal individuals are shown a framework to bring in remarkable cash? Richard Dennis made a fortune on Wall Street by contributing as indicated by a couple of basic principles.

Persuaded that incredible trading was an aptitude that could be educated to anybody, he made a wager with his accomplice and ran a grouped promotion in the Wall Street Journal searching for amateurs to prepare.

Following the Trend: Diversified Managed Futures Trading

Author - Anreas Clenow

Following the Trend: Diversified Managed Futures Trading

Andreas Clenow

During bull and bear markets, there is a gathering of multifaceted investments and expert dealers which have been reliably beating customary speculation systems for as long as 30 odd years.

They have demonstrated astounding uncorrelated execution and in the incredible bear market of 2008, they had record gains.

These merchants are profoundly cryptic about their exclusive trading calculations and frequently utilize top PhDs in their exploration groups.

However, it is conceivable to recreate their trading execution with moderately shortsighted models.

Best Technical Analysis Books

Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets

Author - John J Murphy

Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets

John J Murphy

This exceptional reference has shown a large number of traders the ideas of specialized examination and their application in prospects and securities exchanges.

Covering the most recent advancements in PC innovation, specialized devices, and pointers, the subsequent release includes new material on candle diagramming, Intermarket connections, stocks, and stock turns, in addition to cutting edge models and figures.

Changed and extended for the requests of the present monetary world, this book is basic reading for anybody keen on following and breaking down market conduct.

The Art and Science of Technical Analysis

Author - Adam Grimes

The Art and Science of Technical Analysis

Adam Grimes

The Art and Science of Technical Analysis is earth-shattering work that connects the holes between the scholastic perspective on business sectors, specialized examination, and gainful trading.

The book investigates why irregularity wins in business sectors mostly but not all of the time and how specialized examination can be utilized to catch factually approved examples in specific kinds of economic situations.

The conviction of the book is that purchasing and selling pressure causes designs in costs, yet that these specialized examples are just successful within the sight of genuine purchasing/selling irregularity.

Best Day Trading Books

One Good Trade: Inside the Highly Competitive World of Proprietary Trading

Author - Mike Bellafiore

One Good Trade: Inside the Highly Competitive World of Proprietary Trading

A trading firm comprises of a gathering of experts who exchange the capital of the firm.

Their salary and business are created exclusively from their capacity to remove benefits reliably from the business sectors.

The universe of prop trading is intellectually and sincerely testing however the markets offer significant prizes to the chosen few who can ace this art.

Mind over Markets: Power Trading with Market Generated Information

Author - James F. Dalton

Mind Over Markets: Power Trading with Market Generated Information

Starting over twenty years ago, Daltons market examination keeps a solid understanding based on the mind of succesful traders.

The methodology clarifies the basic elements and structure of business sectors, recognizes esteem zones, value dismissal focuses, and quantifies the quality of purchasers and dealers.

In contrast to more traditional types of specialized investigation, Market Profile is a sweeping methodology, and Mind Over Markets, Updated Edition furnishes brokers with a strong comprehension of it.

Best Forex Trading Books

Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market

Author - Kathy Lien

Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market

Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market gives Forex dealers the processes and aptitude they need to move toward this profoundly serious field on an equivalent level with institutional traders.

Presently in its third release, this significant guide gives the most recent measurements, information, and investigation of recent market occurings, giving you the most to-date image of the condition of the quick-moving trade markets.

You'll figure out how the interbank cash markets work, and how to obtain a system from the greatest players to benefit from patterns.

Beat the Forex Dealer: An Insider's Look into Trading Today's Foreign Exchange Market

Author - Agustin Silvani

Beat the Forex Dealer: An Insider

The Forex markets are frequently alluded to as the Slaughterhouse where fledgling brokers go to get sliced up.

Forex is seen as being for flashy traders, where a large number of dollars are won and lost each day in the highly volatile furious currency markets.

There has been a blast in growth of retail Forex, which has tragically brought forth a variety of scammers deluding and frequently outputing false promises. Making it appear that wealth making with Forex trading is simple.

Best Systems Trading Books

Unholy Grail: A New Road to Wealth

Author - Nick Radge

Unholy Grail: A New Road to Wealth

Unholy Grails conflicts with nearly everything your stock broker, money manager and investment advisor will tell you.

Considering that in 2008 capital oversaw by subsidizing administrators dropped up to half we are in urgent need of an elective perspective.

In Unholy Grails, Nick Radge suggests a less common direction; an arrangement of reasonable techniques for speculators searching for long haul gains with at least day by day exertion.

Short-term Trading Strategies That Work

Author - Larry Connors

Short-term Trading Strategies That Work

With Larrys book you will become familiar with the one oscillator Larry accepts is the nearest to being the sacred goal of oscillators.

Larry provides in depth insights on how he improved his trading performance. With Larrys book aims to be a companion reference, aiming to improve traders everyday trading activity.

We have conducted extensive research and analysis on over multiple data points on Best Trading Strategy Books to present you with a comprehensive guide that can help you find the most suitable Best Trading Strategy Books. Below we shortlist what we think are the best best trading strategy books after careful consideration and evaluation. We hope this list will assist you in making an informed decision when researching Best Trading Strategy Books.

Reputable Trading Strategy Books Checklist

Selecting a reliable and reputable online Best Trading Strategy Books trading brokerage involves assessing their track record, regulatory status, customer support, processing times, international presence, and language capabilities. Considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and trade Best Trading Strategy Books more confidently.

Selecting the right online Best Trading Strategy Books trading brokerage requires careful consideration of several critical factors. Here are some essential points to keep in mind:

Our team have listed brokers that match your criteria for you below. All brokerage data has been summarised into a comparison table. Scroll down.

Compare Key Features of Best Trading Strategy Books in Our Brokerage Comparison Table

When choosing a broker for best trading strategy books trading, it's essential to compare the different options available to you. Our best trading strategy books brokerage comparison table below allows you to compare several important features side by side, making it easier to make an informed choice.

By comparing these essential features, you can choose a best trading strategy books broker that best suits your needs and preferences for best trading strategy books. Our best trading strategy books broker comparison table simplifies the process, allowing you to make a more informed decision.

Top 15 Best Trading Strategy Books of 2025 compared

Here are the top Best Trading Strategy Books.

Compare best trading strategy books brokers for min deposits, funding, used by, benefits, account types, platforms, and support levels. When searching for a best trading strategy books broker, it's crucial to compare several factors to choose the right one for your best trading strategy books needs. Our comparison tool allows you to compare the essential features side by side.

All brokers below are best trading strategy books. Learn more about what they offer below.

You can scroll left and right on the comparison table below to see more best trading strategy books that accept best trading strategy books clients.

Broker IC Markets Roboforex eToro XTB XM Pepperstone AvaTrade FP Markets EasyMarkets SpreadEx FXPro
Regulation Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA) (SD018) RoboForex Lid is regulated by Belize FSC, License No. 000138/7, reg. number 000001272. RoboForex Ltd, which is an (A category) member of The Financial Commission, also is a participant of its Compensation Fund FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) eToro (UK) Ltd (FCA reference 583263), eToro (Europe) Ltd CySEC (Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission), ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) eToro AUS Capital Limited ASIC license 491139, CySec (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under the license 109/10), FSAS (Financial Services Authority Seychelles) eToro (Seychelles) Ltd license SD076 FCA (Financial Conduct Authority reference 522157), CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission reference 169/12), FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority), XTB AFRICA (PTY) LTD licensed to operate in South Africa, KPWiG (Polish Securities and Exchange Commission), DFSA (Dubai Financial Services Authority), DIFC (Dubai International Financial Center), CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores), KNF (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego), IFSC (Belize International Financial Services Commission license number IFSC/60/413/TS/19) Financial Services Commission (FSC) (000261/4) XM ZA (Pty) Ltd, Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) (license 120/10) Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (number 443670) Trading Point of Financial Instruments Pty Ltd Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), Capital Markets Authority of Kenya (CMA), Pepperstone Markets Limited is incorporated in The Bahamas (number 177174 B), Licensed by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) number SIA-F217 Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Ava Capital Markets Australia Pty Ltd (406684), South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) Ava Capital Markets Pty Ltd (45984), Financial Services Agency (Japan FSA) Ava Trade Japan K.K. (1662), Financial Futures Association of Japan (FFAJ),, FFAJ, Abu Dhabi Global Markets (ADGM)(190018) Ava Trade Middle East Ltd (190018), Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) AVA Trade EU Ltd, Central Bank of Ireland (C53877) AVA Trade EU Ltd, British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI) BVI (SIBA/L/13/1049), Israel Securities Association (ISA) (514666577) ATrade Ltd, Financial Regulatory Services Authority (FRSA) CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) (371/18), ASIC AFS (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) (286354), FSP (Financial Sector Conduct Authority in South Africa) (50926), Financial Services Authority Seychelles (FSA) (130) Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) (079/07) Easy Forex Trading Ltd, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (Easy Markets Pty Ltd 246566), British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI) EF Worldwide Ltd (SIBA/L/20/1135), Financial Sector Conduct Authority South Africa (FSA) EF Worldwide (PTY) Ltd (54018), FSC (Financial Services Commission) (SIBA/L/20/1135), FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) (54018) FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) (190941), Gambling Commission (Great Britain) (8835) FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) (509956), CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) (078/07), FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) (45052), SCB (Securities Commission of The Bahamas) (SIA-F184), FSA (Financial Services Authority of Seychelles) (SD120)
Min Deposit 200 10 50 No minimum deposit 5 No minimum deposit 100 100 25 No minimum deposit 100
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  • Credit Card
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Used By 200,000+ 730,000+ 35,000,000+ 1,000,000+ 10,000,000+ 400,000+ 400,000+ 200,000+ 250,000+ 60,000+ 7,800,000+
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Platforms MT5, MT4, MetaTrader WebTrader, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), MetaTrader iPhone/iPad, MetaTrader Android Google Play, MetaTrader Mac, cTrader, cTrader Web, cTrader iPhone/iPad, cTrader iMac, cTrader Android Google Play, cTrader Automate, cTrader Copy Trading, TradingView, Virtual Private Server, Trading Servers, MT4 Advanced Trading Tools, IC Insights, Trading Central MT4, MT5, R Mobile Trader, R StocksTrader, WebTrader, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), Windows eToro Trading App, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), CopyTrading, Web MT4, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, Tablet, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play) MT5, MT5 WebTrader, XM Apple App for iPhone, XM App for Android Google Play, Tablet: MT5 for iPad, MT5 for Android Google Play, XM App for iPad, XM App for iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), Mobile Apps MT4, MT5, cTrader,WebTrader, TradingView, Windows, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play) MT4, MT5, Web Trading, AvaTrade App, AvaOptions, Mac Trading, AvaSocial, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play) MT4, MT5, TradingView, cTrader, WebTrader, Mobile Trader, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play) easyMarkets App, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), Web Platform, TradingView, MT4, MT5 Web, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), iPad App, iPhone App, TradingView MT4, MT5, cTrader, FxPro WebTrader, FxPro Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play)
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Risk Warning Losses can exceed deposits Losses can exceed deposits 51% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. 69% - 83% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 74.12% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. 75-95 % of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs 71% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider Losses can exceed deposits Your capital is at risk Losses can exceed deposits 75.78% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs and Spread Betting with this provider
Demo IC Markets
FP Markets
Excluded Countries US, IR, CA, NZ, JP AU, BE, BQ, BR, CA, CW, CZ, DE, ES, EE, EU, FM, FR, FI, GW, ID, IR, JP, LR, MP, NL, PF, PL, RU, SE, SJ, SS, SL, SI, TL, TR, DO, US, IT, AT, PT, BG, HR, CY, DK, FL, GR, IE, LV, LT, MT, RO, SK, CH ZA, ID, IR, KP, BE, CA, JP, SY, TR, IL, BY, AL, MD, MK, RS, GN, CD, SD, SA, ZW, ET, GH, TZ, LY, UG, ZM, BW, RW, TN, SO, NA, TG, SL, LR, GM, DJ, CI, PK, BN, TW, WS, NP, SG, VI, TM, TJ, UZ, LK, TT, HT, MM, BT, MH, MV, MG, MK, KZ, GD, FJ, PT, BB, BM, BS, AG, AI, AW, AX, LB, SV, PY, HN, GT, PR, NI, VG, AN, CN, BZ, DZ, MY, KH, PH, VN, EG, MN, MO, UA, JO, KR, AO, BR, HR, GL, IS, IM, JM, FM, MC, NG, SI, US, IN, PK, BD, NG , ID, BE, AU US, CA, IL, IR AF, AS, AQ, AM, AZ, BY, BE, BZ, BT, BA, BI, CM, CA, CF, TD, CG, CI, ER, GF, PF, GP, GU, GN, GW, GY, HT, VA, IR, IQ, JP, KZ, LB, LR, LY, ML, MQ, YT, MZ, MM, NZ, NI, KP, PS, PR, RE, KN, LC, VC, WS, SO, GS, KR, SS, SD, SR, SY, TJ, TN, TM, TC, US, VU, VG, EH, ES, YE, ZW, ET BE, BR, KP, NZ, TR, US, CA, SG US, JP, NZ US, IL, BC, MB, QC, ON, AF, BY, BI, KH, KY, TD, KM, CG, CU, CD, GQ, ER, FJ, GN, GW, HT, IR, IQ, LA, LY, MZ, MM, NI, KP, PW, PA, RU, SO, SS, SD, SY, TT, TM, VU, VE, YE US, TR US, CA, IR

All Best trading strategy books in more detail

You can compare Best Trading Strategy Books ratings, min deposits what the the broker offers, funding methods, platforms, spread types, customer support options, regulation and account types side by side.

We also have an indepth Top Best Trading Strategy Books for 2025 article further below. You can see it now by clicking here

We have listed top Best trading strategy books below.

Best Trading Strategy Books List

IC Markets
Min deposit : 200
IC Markets was established in 2007 and is used by over 200000+ traders. Losses can exceed deposits IC Markets offers Forex, CFDs, Spread Betting, Share dealing, Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency availability with IC Markets is subject to regulation.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT5, MT4, MetaTrader WebTrader, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), MetaTrader iPhone/iPad, MetaTrader Android Google Play, MetaTrader Mac, cTrader, cTrader Web, cTrader iPhone/iPad, cTrader iMac, cTrader Android Google Play, cTrader Automate, cTrader Copy Trading, TradingView, Virtual Private Server, Trading Servers, MT4 Advanced Trading Tools, IC Insights, Trading Central

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA) (SD018)
Min deposit : 10
Roboforex was established in 2009 and is used by over 730000+ traders. Losses can exceed deposits Roboforex offers Forex, CFDs.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, R Mobile Trader, R StocksTrader, WebTrader, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), Windows

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by RoboForex Lid is regulated by Belize FSC, License No. 000138/7, reg. number 000001272. RoboForex Ltd, which is an (A category) member of The Financial Commission, also is a participant of its Compensation Fund
Min deposit : 50
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eToro is a multi-asset platform which offers both investing in stocks and cryptoassets, as well as trading CFDs.

Please note that CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 51% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work, and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

This communication is intended for information and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or investment recommendation. Past performance is not an indication of future results.

Copy Trading does not amount to investment advice. The value of your investments may go up or down. Your capital is at risk.

Copy trading is a portfolio management service, provided by eToro (Europe) Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

Cryptoasset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

eToro USA LLC does not offer CFDs and makes no representation and assumes no liability as to the accuracy or completeness of the content of this publication, which has been prepared by our partner utilizing publicly available non-entity specific information about eToro.

eToro was established in 2007 and is used by over 35000000+ traders. 51% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. eToro offers Social Trading, Stocks, Commodities, Indices, Forex (Currencies), CFDs, Cryptocurrency, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), Index Based Funds. Cryptocurrency availability with eToro is subject to regulation. Buying and selling real cryptocurrency assets may not be available in your country through eToro. Please check the latest information made available on their website.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


eToro Trading App, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), CopyTrading, Web

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) eToro (UK) Ltd (FCA reference 583263), eToro (Europe) Ltd CySEC (Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission), ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) eToro AUS Capital Limited ASIC license 491139, CySec (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under the license 109/10), FSAS (Financial Services Authority Seychelles) eToro (Seychelles) Ltd license SD076
Min deposit : 0
XTB was established in 2002 and is used by over 1000000+ traders. 69% - 83% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. XTB offers Forex, CFDs, Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency availability with XTB is subject to regulation.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, Tablet, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play)

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by FCA (Financial Conduct Authority reference 522157), CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission reference 169/12), FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority), XTB AFRICA (PTY) LTD licensed to operate in South Africa, KPWiG (Polish Securities and Exchange Commission), DFSA (Dubai Financial Services Authority), DIFC (Dubai International Financial Center), CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores), KNF (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego), IFSC (Belize International Financial Services Commission license number IFSC/60/413/TS/19)
Min deposit : 5
XM was established in 2009 and is used by over 10000000+ traders. CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 74.12% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. XM offers Forex Trading, Stocks CFDs, Commodities CFDs, Equity Indices CFDs, Precious Metals CFDs, Energies CFDs.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT5, MT5 WebTrader, XM Apple App for iPhone, XM App for Android Google Play, Tablet: MT5 for iPad, MT5 for Android Google Play, XM App for iPad, XM App for iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), Mobile Apps

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account XM Swap-Free account (XM Ultra Low Account) VIP account
Regulated by Financial Services Commission (FSC) (000261/4) XM ZA (Pty) Ltd, Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) (license 120/10) Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (number 443670) Trading Point of Financial Instruments Pty Ltd
Min deposit : 0
Pepperstone was established in 2010 and is used by over 400000+ traders. 75-95 % of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs Pepperstone offers Forex, CFDs, Social Trading.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, cTrader,WebTrader, TradingView, Windows, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play)

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account Pro Account VIP account
Regulated by Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), Capital Markets Authority of Kenya (CMA), Pepperstone Markets Limited is incorporated in The Bahamas (number 177174 B), Licensed by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) number SIA-F217
Min deposit : 100
AvaTrade was established in 2006 and is used by over 400000+ traders. 71% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider AvaTrade offers Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices, Stocks, Bonds, Vanilla Options, ETFs, CFDs, Spread Betting, Social Trading . Cryptocurrency availability with AvaTrade is subject to regulation.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, Web Trading, AvaTrade App, AvaOptions, Mac Trading, AvaSocial, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play)

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Ava Capital Markets Australia Pty Ltd (406684), South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) Ava Capital Markets Pty Ltd (45984), Financial Services Agency (Japan FSA) Ava Trade Japan K.K. (1662), Financial Futures Association of Japan (FFAJ),, FFAJ, Abu Dhabi Global Markets (ADGM)(190018) Ava Trade Middle East Ltd (190018), Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) AVA Trade EU Ltd, Central Bank of Ireland (C53877) AVA Trade EU Ltd, British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI) BVI (SIBA/L/13/1049), Israel Securities Association (ISA) (514666577) ATrade Ltd, Financial Regulatory Services Authority (FRSA)
FP Markets
Min deposit : 100
FP Markets was established in 2005 and is used by over 200000+ traders. Losses can exceed deposits FP Markets offers Forex, CFDs, Bonds.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, TradingView, cTrader, WebTrader, Mobile Trader, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play)

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) (371/18), ASIC AFS (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) (286354), FSP (Financial Sector Conduct Authority in South Africa) (50926), Financial Services Authority Seychelles (FSA) (130)
Min deposit : 25
easyMarkets was established in 2001 and is used by over 250000+ traders. Your capital is at risk easyMarkets offers CFD, Forex, Commodities, Indices, Shares, Crypto. Cryptocurrency availability with easyMarkets is subject to regulation.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


easyMarkets App, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), Web Platform, TradingView, MT4, MT5

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) (079/07) Easy Forex Trading Ltd, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (Easy Markets Pty Ltd 246566), British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI) EF Worldwide Ltd (SIBA/L/20/1135), Financial Sector Conduct Authority South Africa (FSA) EF Worldwide (PTY) Ltd (54018), FSC (Financial Services Commission) (SIBA/L/20/1135), FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) (54018)
Min deposit : 0
SpreadEx was established in 1999 and is used by over 60000+ traders. Losses can exceed deposits SpreadEx offers Forex, CFDs, and spread betting.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


Web, Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), iPad App, iPhone App, TradingView

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) (190941), Gambling Commission (Great Britain) (8835)
Min deposit : 100
FxPro was established in 2006 and is used by over 7800000+ traders. 75.78% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs and Spread Betting with this provider FxPro offers Forex trading, Share Dealing, Spot Indices, Futures, Spot Metals and Spot Energies.

Funding methods

Bank transfer Credit Card Paypal


MT4, MT5, cTrader, FxPro WebTrader, FxPro Mobile Apps, iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play)

Customer support

Live chat Phone support Email support

Account Types

Micro account Standard account ECN account
Islamic account VIP account
Regulated by FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) (509956), CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) (078/07), FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) (45052), SCB (Securities Commission of The Bahamas) (SIA-F184), FSA (Financial Services Authority of Seychelles) (SD120)

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Losses can exceed deposits
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Losses can exceed deposits